The applicant’s grade for theposition of Assistant Professor must not be less than a very goodgrade in all academic stages. ...
The applicant for theposition of Assistant Professor must have a grade of not less thanGood in all academic stages. ...
Qualifications:</p><p>Bachelor&#39;sdegree in urban planning, architecture, environmental science, orrelated field.Knowledge of locallaws and regulations related to urbanplanning.Ability toyze social, economic, and geographic data to ess communityneeds.Ss in using...
Theapplicant’s grade for the position of Assistant Professormust not be less than a very good grade in all academic stages. ...
The applicant for the positionof Assistant Professor must have a grade of not less than Good inall academic stages. ...
In some cases, an AssistantProfessor of Law may be involved in supervising clinical programsor externships where students gain hands-on experience in legalpractice, working with clients or on legal researchprojects. Depending on the institution'srequirements, some Assistant Professors of Law may...
The applicant for the positionof Assistant Professor must have a grade of not less than Good inall academic stages. ...
Theapplicant’s grade for the position of Assistant Professormust not be less than a very good grade in all academic stages. ...
The applicant’s grade for theposition of Assistant Professor must not be less than a very goodgrade in all academic stages. ...
Theapplicant’s grade for the position of Assistant Professormust not be less than a very good grade in all academic stages. ...
The applicant’s grade for the position of AssistantProfessor must not be less than a very good grade in all academicstages. ...
In some settings, the Assistant Professorof Surgical Nursing may continue to engage in clinical practice,either in a part-time capacity or as part of theprogram’s teaching model. The applicant’s grade for theposition of Assistant Professor must not be less than a very goodgrade in all ac...
Theapplicant’s grade for the position of Assistant Professormust not be less than a very good grade in all academic stages. ...
The applicant’s grade for theposition of Assistant Professor must not be less than a very goodgrade in all academic stages. ...
The successful candidatewill be expected to carry out impactful research, teach coursesrelated to the candidate’s research field, contribute tocore courses and/or electives in public sector management andleadership, supervise capstone projects, and contribute to theoverall academic environment...
Theapplicant’s grade for the position of Assistant Professormust not be less than a very good grade in all academic stages. ...
The Computer Engineering Department at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia is seeking exceptional candidates in all academic ranks (Assistant/Associate/Full Professors and Postdocs). ...
The Department of Chemical Engineering is seeking potential Saudi candidates holding PhD degree, for research and teaching purposes in one of the following specializations:.Job Responsibility The candidate will be expected to be available for professional duties for approximately ( 35-40 ) hours per...
Academic, clinical and research experience.Experience in post graduate and under graduate education in oral maxillofacial radiology including master thesis supervision.A clinical training program in oral maxillofacial radiology (not less than 2 years of full time training).The clinical training prog...
KFUPM is seeking to fill several faculty positions at all professorial ranks with potential candidates showing ability and desire for excellence in both teaching and research. ...
The Department of Global & Social Studies at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia invites applications for full-time faculty positions with the rank of Assistant/Associate Professor in the following field:. ...